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Running and Covid – how a virus that changed the world has had a deep affect on running.

The numbers 2020 had a nice ring to them. for most people 2019 was a year that can be described as average, 2020 was going to be the bounce year and after a good start we were hit with a glancing glow by covid-19. Knocked sideways by its virus, relentless strike. We learnt all sorts of new words, ‘furlough’ was something we associated with horse racing, masks and lockdown are words people would not associate with their daily life. The changes have hit people at all angles, threatening financial and physical health, people are valuing things that for generations perhaps we have taken for granted. Mortality, freedom, access to friends and family and as with any awakening along with it comes deep reflection on the meaning of life. Sometimes we are forced to question our basic needs, are we getting enough out of life, spending time with our loved ones, spending too much time in the rat race chasing the dollars, should we be spending more time investing in our hobbies, interests and more altruistic pursuits. A perennial example of this is exercise. To many exercise is part of life, not a hobby or an interest but a must. A habit that nourishes body, mind and soul. For others Starting out or rekindling their training habits it’s a bold step onto a more wholesome path and for those well engaged with good exercise regimes often the big bites and people want more. Run faster or longer, press heavier weights, enter and finish that cool race that’s been in your sights for ages.

We find that periods of deep reflection and changes in circumstances accelerate this and end up being catalysts for people going above and beyond. Running is surely one of the most natural activities known to humans, there is something almost existential about an early morning, sunrise kissed run, or an evening jog. Smells and senses are heightened, freedom abounds, you have complete control on distance speed and generally what course to take. The endorphins kick in thanking your body for its effort giving you wonderful feelings and thoughts. This is the opposite to the feelings that lockdowns brought with it and hence that cherished 30 min run, normally treated with nonchalance, became the pinnacle of the day. Escape, freedom, mental and physical stimulation. For the experienced runner, the Marathon might be clsssified as the big mountain to  conquer. The hierarchy continues of course, the regular marathoner wants more, longer, harder more challenging events. And again in moments in life where we consider our future, where we have time to think about our lives, our priorities, perhaps these goals become more important to us.

Almost All races have been cancelled in 2020, causing havoc to the Organisers, to the race goers, seeking that big event, salivating at the thought of crossing the line and scooping that well earned medal. But perhaps the thing people miss is that completion of these grand daddy races doesn’t happen in the abscence of a very great deal of preparation. This of course depends what your start point is but for most people the leap to Marathon and then ultra ( definition being beyond 50kms or multi stage ) is huge. The drop rate is high, and it’s a big jump to a Point that generally human physiology doesn’t support just jumping in and doing it without a very great deal of conditioning. And that if course takes time. For those people who sadly might have lost their jobs, for people who for many years have wanted to conquer such s challenge, to tick the box and test their limits, people who have had their freedom challenged and re considered their priorities, this is a great cathartic experience.

So whilst there might be no races at the moment, they will come back. Amd by the time they do you could easily be in the best shape of your life. Fully prepared, mentally physically and highly motivated to embark on this amazing experience, challenging yourself to go to the next level. A well known serial billionaire investor once said “the big oil tanker Cruising the sea cannot suddenly turn Left, it takes time”.

Procrastination is the thief of life, so dust off your running shoes and contact us at to take that vital first step.

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